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  1. Bowling Alley
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Our bowling alley

Sport, fun, suspense and entertainment

Enjoy convivial hours together with family, friends, your club or company on one of our three modern and fully automatic bowling allies. With a wide range of programmable gaming options there is no time for boredom.

With the separate conference room it is also possible to integrate the bowling alley in every kind of family-, club- or company festivities.

Opening hours and prices

  • Open daily from 10 am - 2 pm and 5 pm - 9 pm
  • 15 Euros per alley and hour
  • Please bring your own sneakers
  • Please make reservations via telephone (+49 3601/873132) or the contact form below
Kegelbahn im Hotel Ammerscher Bahnhof in Mühlhausen/Thüringen

Your reservation request

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Time from:
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